Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Friends are the most important people in my life
Friends to me are like family
They help you get through tough times in life
Sometimes friends can be traders
But then they are friends that I will never give up on
And they will never give up on me
A friend is a friend
And a trader is a trader
I've learned how to be a true friend
But to people who are true to me

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Was Born To Be A Writer

I love writing
It's a way that I can let my feelings out
Writing is my greatest skill
I can just write and write
And when I look at the page I'm already at the bottom
I've learned how to write more deeper
Thanks to Ms. Reyes my 6th ELA teacher
She tough me that when its hard to say what you feel
Write is down
Or when you have a
An Emotion
And even a Fear