Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Friends are the most important people in my life
Friends to me are like family
They help you get through tough times in life
Sometimes friends can be traders
But then they are friends that I will never give up on
And they will never give up on me
A friend is a friend
And a trader is a trader
I've learned how to be a true friend
But to people who are true to me

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Was Born To Be A Writer

I love writing
It's a way that I can let my feelings out
Writing is my greatest skill
I can just write and write
And when I look at the page I'm already at the bottom
I've learned how to write more deeper
Thanks to Ms. Reyes my 6th ELA teacher
She tough me that when its hard to say what you feel
Write is down
Or when you have a
An Emotion
And even a Fear

Thursday, July 1, 2010

When You Are In Love With Someone

When you are in love with somebody you feel like they are everything you've ever wanted but more and that know one can take that away. You feel like he/she swifts you of your feet all the time and showers you with joy, happiness, smiles and love. But sometimes don't you wonder what are some frowns and doubt he/she gives me and why??? Love is a mystery and you are the only one who can solve it in a peaceful way with know one getting hurt and that's the way love should be handled but is it ???

Monday, June 28, 2010

Its Time For A NEW Start !!!

Today was hard saying good bye to my friends but it was even harder saying good bye to my teachers. Some I will see next year and some I wont. My 6th grade teachers today welcomed all the 6th grade classes to 7th grade so now officially I'm a 7th grader. I can't wait until school starts so I can meet new people. Also I will never forget about my friends that I will not see next year but you will always be in my heart. So HELLO 7th Grade.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Am The Sun

I am the shining SUN
I am a pretty YELLOW on the outside
But inside I'm the Fire Red but it's turning BLUE
And it's hard to deal with the blueness
But today was a Fire RED ME day !!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

When The Darkness Takes Over Everything

While reading the story "The Color of My Words" a saying comes up.
The line was " Darkness swelled over everything". In the story Ana Rosa is alone at home and she takes her brother's book after he said "No it's for work." But she was tempted to write a few pages and rip it out. But while at her 5Th page the lights went out and the darkness swelled over the house and it was a sign to not write.
But she was tempted.
When it said darkness took over everything it was like the badness was around because she was always so nice but the darkness stole her goodness. And she stole the paper. So it was like the bad was ready to take over her. And it did.
When you steal, something can be stolen from you: your niceness. Your goodness. And all you're left with is guilt.
It's so amazing how you can take a line from a book and say so much about things that really happen.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My world

My world is like a Black whole
In that black whole lots of things happen
Dreams die
People Die
But new lives are born
Things are also found that are happy
like love, wishes and hope
When I look at my shadow as I walk I think will it die or succeed???
In this poem my thoughts are how will my life turn out because of my world

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I can't Believe it

I can't believe that the test are over and this school year is almost over. I'm already going to be in 7Th grade and that's when it starts getting tough. I'm scared to leave my teachers and to leave my friends from my class and go to another class and also to see the new 6th graders coming in. I'm going to know most of them because when I went to present M.S.223 at my old school P.S.161 lots of my old friends who are gin to 6Th grade were very excited to know what school I go to and how good it is.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Day Today

Today I was in school and its was kind of interesting I got to talk to many people I never usually talk to. I also was upset because I got no awards in any class but I know the people who got it deserved it.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Miss You

Recently my friend was taken from her mother and I really miss her. She now lives in Brooklyn with a foster parent. She doesn't go to my school anymore so I really miss her. Even though she is gone we will always be BF !!!

My Teachers

I go to MS223. At my school i have wonderful teachers there names are Ms.Reyes, Ms.Sayra, and Ms.Garrison . They always help me achieve my goals even when I'm having difficulties. I'm kind of scared to be going to seventh grade next year here are some three reasons why...

1) I'm going to miss my sixth grade teachers
2) That's when most of the stress begins
3) I don't want to wanna be close to graduating because then I have to say good bye to my friends and teachers again. :(

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Day Today

Today I had a great day in school. Did lots of work. Hung out with my friends at lunch time. Some kids just think they are all that but in reality we are all created equally.