Tuesday, May 25, 2010

When The Darkness Takes Over Everything

While reading the story "The Color of My Words" a saying comes up.
The line was " Darkness swelled over everything". In the story Ana Rosa is alone at home and she takes her brother's book after he said "No it's for work." But she was tempted to write a few pages and rip it out. But while at her 5Th page the lights went out and the darkness swelled over the house and it was a sign to not write.
But she was tempted.
When it said darkness took over everything it was like the badness was around because she was always so nice but the darkness stole her goodness. And she stole the paper. So it was like the bad was ready to take over her. And it did.
When you steal, something can be stolen from you: your niceness. Your goodness. And all you're left with is guilt.
It's so amazing how you can take a line from a book and say so much about things that really happen.

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